The untimely demise of the Father Amir- Sheik Saad had Kuwait mourning for 3 days. All Government & Educational Institutions were closed on Wednesday & Thursday as a mark of respect to the departed leader. Kuwait had surely lost one of its most glorious sons. However, I must note with chagrin and an utter sense of dismay of those business owners that refused to close down shop even for a day ( Essential Services are excused)- Kuwait Government must strongly reprimand and punish these companies that have no respect for the FATHER AMIR.
Sheik Saad's demise meant postponement of all schol activities and hence Denver had to don his Roman do this morning..Here is how my lil champ looked....I am glad I designed and created everybit- including the final touches to the footwear......note the sword, the roman helmet, the armour leather straps and buttons and don't you dare miss the medusa on both the shield and the armor....the black skirt and top were courtesy Sneha, daughter of our friendly neighbour George Philip... never mind the date on the photographs.....
If you liked how Den turned do comment..
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