A decisive tug at my feet, yanks the blanket off me on a rather cold 'end-of-winter' morning. Please baby...just 5 more mins, I drawl, my eyes still closed, stretching out all four limbs of my pajamas.
Ok! She says, Just 5 more, only 5...your time starts now. No sooner than she leaves, beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. My Timex's set for 6 am.
Shit! Can't this darned thing wait? I get out of bed...walk over to the kiddos bedroom, both blissfully asleep. Its a beautiful day as she taps me from behind.
Here! Drink your water.
My daily morning dose of Hydrotherapy, 1.25 liters of water in a brass pot. Will wash away your hypertension, claims my hypotense wife. I guzzle till I can feel it fill up my oesophagus.
In to the living room, my TV is already on, a bollywood couple gyrating in intense heat, the canine-like male sniffs the wet-white female all over, strategically stops at her bosom and move aways. Don't change the channels, I hear her scream from the kitchen.....
Too late...my fingers on the remote already..unstoppable....CNN announces Rhetoric Obama's 9th successive victory over Hilary. More rhetoric, resounding applause, its a tight race Wolf Blitzer says. Obama leads.
PPP leads in Pakistan, no great surprise this. Musharaff is gracious in defeat, this a surprise. Elections seem free and fair- the biggest surprise of them all. Musharaff vows not to step down- no surprise again, Imran Khan - wordmeister, has no choice but to carry on with his Tehreek-e-insaaf (Movement for justice). Will it be Zardari, the cunning thug whose only claim to fame is his now assassinated wife and his swindling of millions of Pakistani tax-payers money?
Press 17...Cricket
Highlights of India posting their nail-biting win over Lankan Lions...Mahela, the self-help manicurist. Chew on!
Force feed the elder one his daily bread and Omlette, pour the milk down his gullet. Breakfast over...run 4 floors downstairs to warm up the Subaru, saves the RPMs wasted. Its dark & dusty outside, mercury reads an Ominous 13 C.
Upstairs, The lil fellow is up and smiling with a cricket bat in his hand, wants his elder sibling to bowl at him..Kiriketh, goes the 1 & a 1/2 year old...the 5 year old brother gleefully obliges.
We are a lil chirpy nuclear family, happy at first sight..plagued by own share of miseries- thats for later.
Todays gonna be a dusty day....the blogs will be updated twice a day, morning and nite...wl feature the latest happenings in town, eateries, at the family place, grapevines, the sub-continent, Bollywood, Cricket and of course the run to the Oval Office as well...We might even delve down under to check on how Rudd's faring since his apology to the stolen generation...India shining, while the stock markets trade in red, my personal portfolio is headed southwards as well...
I've got to drive my wife to office- see you folks in a bit
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