Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dhoni, Obama on a roll, Kuwaits still dusty

Who the **** is Dhoni?

To the cricket ignoramuses, Dhoni is currently Prince Charming of Indian cricket. The Twenty-20 World Cup winning skipper notched up a whopping 1.5 million $ on the first ever bid on World Cricketers for the IPL (Indian Premier League). I-no-monkey-Aussie Symonds came a close second with 1.35 million $ being dished out for his head. The richest cricketing administration (BCCI- Board of Cricket for Control oops Control for Cricket, whatever **** that means, in India) is surely getting richer. The best Cricket marketing gurus without doubt...we taught the world Kama-sutra, now we will teach them game-a-sutra as well.

Obama is happy and why not? He won a predominantly white Wisconsin and followed it up with a Hawaian thrashing to Hilary, who is currently looking hilarious with her health care and free-panties for women promises....Oh Honolulu! Thats 10 in a row for the savvy Nig*** with Kenyan Cousins. I am happy, this is a welcome black fly in a creamy-white american soup...vely vely tastee tastee... Clinton, where is Monica, make her your wife's campaign manager.. she could pole dance you to the Oval office again...get the intern from her hiding place Billy Boy. Cigars never tasted so good.

Talk of Cigars, reminds me of the biggest Habanero of them all- Fidel . Fidel Castro. The revolutionary.

Castro says he is stepping down, tired of showing his finger to Uncle Sam for a full 49 years. Some middle finger that! Must be sore as well! Will Raul go the demo-way and turn INFIDEL? Experts on the subject doubt it very much. I love the Castros, for they had alone had the balls to stand up to the might of Unliateral sanctions imposed by the Big B. 40+ years needs balls of steel, they spark when they clash together.

Three dusty days in a row, has brought in African wheezing into Kuwait, the dusty feeling in the throat is not a very comfy experience you suee. The skies look blue this morning amidst a wind-chill of 6 degrees (ie 4 degrees off the actual temp). Kids School have planned an outing to Souk Sharq' s fish market, told them to watch it on Discovery Channel instead, not worth the stench and of course the stakes of falling ill are pretty high as well.

Kuwaitis are gearing up for a foam, part pop canister holidays.....hey guys! Please please spare the poor unassuming expats, spray on your ilk as much as u like....U guys have the dough to clean up later, we dont! More later today..cheers

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